SEHRI : de 1789 à 1815 - association loi 1901
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SEHRI : de 1789 à 1815 - association loi 1901
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SEHRI : de 1789 à 1815 - association loi 1901
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Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne?

2 participants

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Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne? Empty Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne?

Message  Steve Conway Sam 2 Oct - 0:55

I have been recording Line and Light infantry uniforms of this era for some time and although the identity of the figures from the 5th Legere is obvious I cannot read the writing on the figure in the lower right hand corner of this picture, can anyone help identify it, I assume it is from a line regiment as the number appears to be either 40th or 46th. The picture is from this website I have tried posting a copy of the picture with this but it does not seem to be working when I try a preview.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Steve Conway
Steve Conway

Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2019
Age : 68
Localisation : New Zealand

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Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne? Empty Re: Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne?

Message  mlhcb Sam 2 Oct - 4:37


If it is picture PS146, I read "tambour major du Rgt de la Vistule 1808" , that could be a correct interpretation with the yellow collar.

All the Best to the other end of the world


Messages : 20
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2017
Age : 66
Localisation : Paris-Yonne

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Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne? Empty Re: Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne?

Message  Steve Conway Sam 2 Oct - 4:55

Thankyou for your assistance, much appreciated.

Steve Conway
Steve Conway

Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2019
Age : 68
Localisation : New Zealand

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Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne? Empty Re: Is the figure in the lower right hand corner a Tambour-major of the 40th or 46th Ligne?

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